Never Forget 9/11
This book is by far one of the most entertaining I have done in a bit. Definitely 5 stars. Setting highlands of Scotland, of course. A girl is rescued from a forced marriage by her betrothed that she thought was killed when he was a child, but he survived the murder of his family, and grew up to be a mercenary. The trip back to her father was a long one, and nearly every time they stopped to relieve themselves, she would find an injured or abandoned animal. She insisted on taken them all with her; Her character reminded me of Ellie May Clampet she was an animal whisper for sure. First she found an injured rabbit, then a small ferret (that was not what they called it, but I looked it up it was a ferret) The Wolf as her betrothed was called, protested each addition to her growing petting zoo. He tried to get her to leave the ferret behind, saying it would probably die because they needed a lot of heat at that size. She slipped it into her top between her breasts and said that will take care of the heat for now. There it rode for most of the trip in her top. The next thing she found was a little fox that something had chewed the ears off of. It got to the point the men that were with them were speculating on what she would find next. One of them thought she would find a wolf, as each stop she got an animal farther up the food chain, but she did not get any more till they got to her father's place.
The wolf had told her on the way back that he and she were to marry, and he had not died all those years before. It all happened fast. They were married that night, stayed there for their wedding night, and next morning early they set out for his ancestral home that was in bad shape after being abandon for 20 years. Her father brought out her horse that thankfully she had been made to leave there when she went to see her Uncle. The horse was huge, powerful, and quite stubborn, in fact that was its name stubbornbastard ( hope that does not get centered). When they had only just started the trip to their new home , they heard a howling in the woods that was getting closer. Her husband sent some men to find the wolf and dispatch It, because a wolf out in the day usually met rabies. Her husband was leading her horse, and when she realized they were going to kill the wolf, she called out stubornbastaare. Her husband thought she was calling him that. Her horse reared and jerked away, they spun and rode in the direction of the howls. She got to them before they could kill the wolf, and skid off the horse's back. She ran to the wolf and put her arms around it. The men stood there staring as she told them they would not kill him. The wolf so happy to see her started licking her face. By the time her husband caught up with her, not only was the wolf licking her, but the horse too. The wolf and the horse, neither one seemed to mind the presence of the other. Her poor husband realized this was another animal she had rescued. It was only then she thought about the ferret, she looked about and saw it sitting on the horse's saddle. Her husband asked here if the wolf would be able to keep up or if he should send it back to her father. She told him the wolf would probably run alongside the horse as they were friends. it took a few days to get to their new home. Her father arranged for wagons full of things they would need to set up housekeeping to be sent to them. The same day the wagons arrived, she had found an abandon baby deer in the woods.
There had been 2 attempts on her husband's life. The second one hit her, but she lived. Eventually things worked out, and they thought it would be alright. But it was not, if you want to know what happened you will want to get this book. It was worth every sent I paid for it. I plan to check out the rest of this series, and see if they are as good.
The Words I Will Never Hear
I have always wanted to hear 3 little words from my big sister, 3 words people say every day, I will never hear them now. I always wanted to hear my sister say I LOVE YOU. There are those who would say she showed e she loved me many times, and I can not dispute that. She and her family bought me many expensive gifts over the years, and I appreciated them all. BUT I would gladly have given them all back, to hear those 3 little words. I LOVE YOU, is something I wanted her, and needed her to say, just one time. She knew how i felt. I told her every time I spoke to her even the day she died, (but i do not know if she could hear me) that I loved her. I told her many times I needed to hear her say it to me just one time.
The only reason I can think of that she never told me she loved me , was because she did not really feel it. Anyone can buy a gift for someone, it does not have to be motivated by love. There are many other reasons for buying someone something. One could feel sorry for someone if their life was not as good as your own. One may feel guilty for something they did to the other person in the past, or just because they have more money then the recipient. It would have meant so much to me to hear those 3 little words I LOVE YOU from her before she died. Now there is not chance of me ever hearing her say it, and it makes me cry every time I think about the memory lost.
Our brother tried to excuse her never saying it to me. He said we were not brought up that way, that none of us were told we were loved, BUT he is wrong. Our mom told us she loved up many times as does my other sister and he himself. I do not think our other brother said it directly, but he proved he loved me when i was 6 years old, and he did not do it by buying me anything. I had just started school, and my mom had took me to a beauty parlor for a permanent for my first day. The woman at the beauty parlor messed up my hair badly. She left it on too long and my hair was a mess. Kids are cruel, and first day on the bus one of the kids called me little witch, because of my messed up hair. There was a boy on the bus 3 years older then me. He bullied me all the time. More then once I came home crying. My big brother who was 10 years older then me and 7 years older then the bully paid him a visit. According to my sister ( because I was not with him when he did it) my brother paid the bully a visit, and told him what was going to happen if he did not leave his little sister alone. I never did find out the exact words he told the bully, but it worked he left me alone after that. I told that story at my brother's funeral in 2016. Once someone proves to me they love me it is not as important for me to hear it , then it is if they have just thrown gifts at me.
I really needed to hear my sister say she loved me , and now I never will, and I have no idea how I will ever move past the emptiness inside me at her dying without telling me she loved me. I do not know how I will ever stop thinking maybe she did not really love me and all the gifts were for show.
My advice to everyone is IF YOU LOVE SOMEONE TELL THEM YOU LOVE THEM WHILE YOU ARE BOTH STILL ALIVE, because when one of you are dead, it is too late, and all that are left behind are longings and heart ache.
( by the way IF you want to see how I looked in first grade, I put a pic in the photo section on this account. It was my school picture that year , so you need to realize mom had a couple months to try to tame my wild hair down some for the picture. It was much worse the first day) I was so excited about going to school, and then to start getting bullied the very first day kind of took the edge off my happy.
My Bio
I shot this video for an English-speaking audience with a story about myself and my hobbies, and also to experiment with how the language will affect the number of viewers of the video.
In it, I told some of the brightest moments (After all, it is impossible to tell everything in one video), so subscribe to the YouTube-channel, because then - more...(Repost ???? ) (There are subtitles with translation)
#selfie, #guy, #face, #friends, #portrait, #fun #vlog #youtube #videos #fb #pr
The next 10 controversial truths I refuse to be dissuaded of
The biggest threat to young black men is not white police officers, but other young black men.
Wandering about, looking for something to be offended by, you will certainly find it. No one cares.
Colleges should be more than grievance factories. And while your average waiter has a bachelor's degree, you can't find a plumber to save your (literal!) ass.
God exists.
Feelings are not facts.
A shadow government has existed in the US since at least 2016.
"Should we bring extinct creatures back to life?" No.
The one entirely consistent thing about climate is that it changes.
Wall Street is nothing but a giant casino, and the only people making money there are making it off of you.
Parenting is not a "grow your own best friend" process.
Zvesti prijatelj Jack
Moje ime je Jack in 12.11.'23 bom praznoval svoj drugi rojstni dan. Sem zelo igriv in otrokom prijazen, tudi do drugih kužkov sem prijazen in igriv.
Od veselja, do igre, zelo rad skačem, kar mi moji lastniki ne dovolijo, ker so mnenja, da bi to drugi videli kot napad (verjetno zaradi moje pasme !).
Z svojim gazdom se rad sprehajam ob Savinji in igram v parku z svojimi prijatelji, ki sem jih spoznal na sprehodih.
Nekateri me že poznate, drugi ne, ampak me še boste.
Ko me srečate na sprehodu, ne se me bat ... jaz bi se samo igral.
Če pa me, na sprehodu, srečate z mojo lastnico!
Bodite previdni ..... ona je poglavlje zase, neke čudne pasme !!!!!!!!!
REVIEW 5: Mated to the Alpha
This review is going to be shorter than most. Mated to the Alpha audiobook, Do not waste your time or your money. The plot is weak at best. The characters are not fully developed. I did however catch a little sleep the first time I tried to listen to this. To be fair, I went back and rewound it and listened to it all. The only good thing I can say about this book is: It is short. It was written in 2020 and labeled as book 1. I can see why there was never a book 2 in the series ( if you can call 1 book a series, lol)
To all the Heartbroken Parrot Heads out there ....
♥ R.I.P. Jimmy Buffett ♥ ... Gone to soon and will be Sadly Missed Thank goodness for your Music for us to keep your memories alive
LOL It really is true what they say about people that make assumptions. It has come to my attention that she knows who she is, and her minions were flapping their jaws about me AGAIN. Like my mom used to say, if they are talking about me, they are leaving someone else alone. THE BEST PART IS: They are straight up WRONG, lol, and they are too dumb to know it. The REAL reason was not even close to what they are trying to spread around that it was. The truth was it was an internal thing and nothing at all to do with anyone or anything not directly associated with where I call home now. I have said it before, and I will say it again she knows who she is, has not power here or over me, and any thought on her part she does so is strictly delusional, and she may want to see a doctor about those delusions. Although, people with narcissistic personalities tend to have an over inflated opinion of their own value. So I am just going to sit back and LMAO while she knows who she, is continues to make a fool of herself thinking she rules the whole net.
Perfect does NOT exist..
The perfect person. There are too many people out there this day and age worrying about finding the perfect person. You endlessly search, you'll try meeting new people, you take risks, yet you’ve been hurt so many times that you don’t let anyone in. You’re afraid of failures and letdowns. You're afraid of lies and deceit. Who is real and who’s not. You doubt. You question.You pick apart everyone you come across, trying to mix and match pieces you liked about previous people you’ve filled and shared your life with, yet could never fully fill that void you so desperately tried to create in a perfect person. You place too much hope, faith, and burden on everyone you come across because you’re so eager to find that flawless person, constantly searching for that one person who will bring your life to some sort of meaningful culmination that doesn’t exist.What a lot of people dont understand is that true love won’t be at first sight. It won’t even be at first impression. Overtime it's actually built. From both of your flaws. From the deepest of trauma and the happiest of times. From the failures and lessons of both people. The flaws that make you who you are, the moments you’ve experienced, good and bad, better and worse, from rock bottom to the very top. They all have their place in time. In healing. In moving forward. In rebuilding, both together and alone. People keep trading in real value for things you think are easily replaceable. It’s an illusion. The promise of better is an illusion. It’s the biggest lie there is. Better is a relative to where you are in your life and your path of healing. The harsh battles are where the deepest of bonds are created with one another. Suffering as one, as a team, as a whole, as a unit, or as a single entity. This is where true connection is formed. Your foundation will crumble time and time again if the brick and mortar are made up of your combined trials and errors aren’t there. Physical contact and empty promises, promises forged from delusions of grandeur will only get you so far, before your lack of a foundation causes you to collapse in on yourself time and time again.Don’t be afraid of the building. Don’t be afraid of the pain. Embrace the shortcomings. Embrace the cold. Embrace life. Once you have, you can sit back and marvel at the failures and losses, together.Without them, how would we ever know just how thankful we should be for this mystery we call life.True vulnerability in the form of a mirror image of yourself is where you will find it. Fall in love with yourself, and you’ll find this person. Your truest reflection. Don’t look for someone you can be perfect with. Look for someone you can build with. Someone you can be vulnerable with. Someone you can be your ugliest self with and still be accepted. Take my advice and find someone you can genuinely grow with to the point where at the moment you become in their presence, it feels like you're finally home,Maybe its just me .... but I don’t have the time to entertain fake people in my life. You and I are worth more than that.