I got some good news today when i had the tee done. Pending surgeon's review and ok: I will not have to get the mitral valve replacement, AT LEAST NOT FOR NOW! Also, they said the blood clot that was in my left atrial appendage is gone. So if the cardiac surgeon agrees with my cardiologist, no surgery yayyyyyy After months of bad news I finally get some good news.
I have been into audiobooks a lot lately, and I thought maybe I would review some of them. The irony of this is some of the books I will be reviewing are in the romance book category. That is a style of book I used to avoid a lot when I was younger. One series of books drug me into this style of audiobooks. I think I may have mentioned that series before. The book I am going to review is one in the romance category, but it is not what most would see as romantic.
It is called: Reverse Harem Romance) - J.L. Beck, C. Hallman. It will not be to everyone's liking. There is violence, sex, adventure, betrayal and love. It starts out with 3 military trained men infiltrating the home of the man that killed their family and violated their sister (it was never made clear why their family was killed). They were out for revenge, and they wanted to search their enemy's house while he was at an event. There was not supposed to be anyone home. They were surprised to find the man's daughter home. She saw their faces, so it was either take her with them, or kill her. They tied her, gagged her and took her with them, against the protests of the oldest brother. They were not nice to her at first, and they made a video of the abuse to send to her father. To their surprise, he did not respond. They had all his communications monitored. They made another video of them abusing his daughter a bit more graphic. It went unanswered, but this time they got a conversation of him with his head of security confirming his orders to kill them all, even his own daughter.
Two of them realize this will not work, but the oldest one decides to make one more video and send it to her father. His brothers were furious with him. They were realizing she was a victim. After the third video, she gets ill, and with much arguing between the brothers, they take her to the hospital under a fake name. The oldest brother stays with her the whole time while his brothers keep a look-out. The next day, when she woke up and her fever broke, he told her to tell the doctor she wants to leave. When she asked and what if I don't, he tells her he will slit the doctor's throat and carry her out. He tells her if she does not do as he says, she will be responsible for the doctors' death. She does as she is told, but they do not escape fast enough, her father's men find them. While shooting their way out, the oldest brother drags the girl away. Once out of reach of the gun fire, he gives her instructions were to go and hide and wait for him. She has second thoughts about obeying him, that minute of indecisiveness allows her father's security to find her. They are about to shoot her when the oldest brother tackles them, and one of them drops his gun. The oldest brother tells the girl to run. The man shoots him in and is about to finish up, the girl gets the gun and shoots the attacker's head off. They get away, and the brothers are both mad at her for not following orders, and getting the oldest brother shot and that she would think of leaving them they were protecting her NOW.
After some pain and some sex, the older brother tells them he will not kill her, he now agrees with his brothers they will keep her. To which one brother quits : Welcome to the team. We made t shirts. I could not help but laugh at that. The girl is all in on helping them. She told the older brother no one had ever cared for her the way he and his brothers did, and that she loved them. Realizing her father wanted her dead, made her want him dead, so when the brothers told her they would kill him, she was fine with that. After more fighting, they manage to get her father. It was then they find out he was not her real father. Her mother had cheated on him for years, but he did not know she was not his daughter till much later. Her father goes to his grave without telling where their drive they were looking for is. The 4 of them left the country to avoid prosecution for all the people they killed. The settled somewhere that allowed more than one person married to the same person at the same time, and she married all 3 brothers.
Months later, a package came to her from the head of her father's security that helped them get her father and saved the girls' life. The letter inside said he was still looking for her real father, that he thinks he is still alive. And there was another smaller box with the letter. Inside was the drive they had been looking for when they broke into her father's house the night they abducted her. After all that killing and pain, the book ended on a high note. If you do not like sex and violence and murder and bad language, this is NOT the book for you. But if you do, it is a fantastic story.
Hy Every one
there is nobody send me chips am so sad no body complete my goals
Listen I have a goal for you if you send me 30,000,00,chips then I'll shout out you in my gaming channel common take a part this is a good time to famous you're self on internet as me just search on you're browser's my name search (thegammersing)... And check the result now
Only 30,000,00,chips who send me lot of chips I'll shout out you
By by have a nice day
A republic, if you can keep it: to the original domestic terrorists
Happy fourth of July, all. Just wanted to remind everyone why they're cranking up the grill today.
Unlike the latest version of (woke) history might tell you, the men involved in the revolution were mostly under 40 -- hardly the old white men they're often accused of being (as if people could help being white, or becoming old!). Those who were older, men like Benjamin Franklin, or John Hancock, staked their not inconsiderable reputations (in Franklin's case) and their fortunes (in Hancock's), as well as their lives, the lives of their families and their "sacred honor" (a concept we should consider bringing back posthaste!). British prison ships were horrendous, squalid places where the best one might hope for was being whipped daily and eventually released. If you were caught and not imprisoned, well, that was the end of you. But those people, living more than 200 years ago, thought the object was worth the risk. I wonder how many of us would undertake the same risks.
For anyone who has the time and interest, I highly recommend Madison's "notes on the constitutional convention." It's available on Amazon, and gives a lot of insight into the concepts the revolution was fought for, and the hopes of those long-ago ancestors for those of us living today.
Lucky for us, huh?
pool live pro
nita.crista turn off the cheat coward, an when you notice the white flag end the game stupid
Someone accused me of turning my back on Jesus , because i used the word Karma. Karma means cause and effect. You do good, good will come to you. You do bad, you will receive bad back. The BIBLE itself states the same principle. : God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Galatians 6:7 / The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6
And as for your trying to pass judgement on me for your own pious attitude i suggest you also refresh your knowledge of these passages. Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail. Proverbs 22:8
This is one of my favorites : Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you will be judged. That is the problem with people on the net, they think it is ok to judge others. *smiles so sense you do not like the word Karma, I will just set back and watch as God judges you as you have tried to judge me.
What is a fake friend?
What Is a Fake Friend?
A fake friend may leave you feeling emotionally exhausted due to their inability to be genuine, keep your interests in mind, or respect you. In a healthy friendship, there is a sense of mutual positivity and reciprocated admiration. However, this is not the case with fake or toxic friends. When interacting with them, you may feel like you have to act or behave in a certain way to avoid harsh criticism. When it’s obvious that this person no longer has your best interests at heart, it may be time to consider ending the relationship.
How to Know if Your Friend Is Fake: 15 Signs
The signs of a fake friendship may not look the same in every situation. Nevertheless, if you examine them closely, you’ll notice similar relationship patterns, qualities, and characteristics. Often, you’ll notice a lack of commitment on your “friend’s” part. They are frequently self-absorbed and more focused on their own personal feelings, rather than yours. Having this type of relationship can feel incredibly one-sided and hurtful.
Here are 15 signs of a fake friend:
1. They Don’t Support You
If a friend is never available for you when you need them, they’re probably not fully invested in your relationship. Rather than listening and offering emotional support, they may give you unenthusiastic affirmations or comments. Real friends will pay attention to your needs and provide encouragement.
2. They’re Overly Competitive With You
Friendships can sometimes include a healthy level of competition. However, you’ll know when the limit of this has been met. In fake friendships, competition is not good-natured or fun. Rather, it comes from a place of jealousy or their need to feel better than others.
3. They Make You Feel Bad About Yourself
Fake friends will often make backhanded compliments, quiet judgments, or disapproving looks in your direction. Sometimes, these behaviors are not outright or obvious. Still, they can leave you feeling betrayed and hurt.
4. They Turn Others Against You
A fake friend may act sweet and caring to your face, but gossip about you with others. This type of behavior is a form of relational aggression and is a distinct sign of a fake friendship.
5. They Always Need Attention
We all know someone who loves drama and being the center of attention. Friendships with a person like this may be conflictual, one-sided, and manipulative. Attention seeking behavior does not always look the same, but it is often an indicator of a fake friendship.
6. They Peer Pressure You
When a friend attempts to encourage or convince you to behave in a way that is not characteristic of you, this is known as peer pressure. Peer pressure can be direct or indirect, and can occur in any type of social situation.
7. They’re Narcissistic
Sometimes, self-obsessed and attention seeking behaviors can be indicative of an underlying Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Friendships with a narcissist can feel superficial, as your friend may act moody, hold grudges, be hypersensitive to criticism, or crave constant attention.
8. They’re Jealous of You
Jealousy in a friendship may stem from feelings of insecurity or fear. When left unaddressed, jealousy can lead to anger and resentment, inevitably causing irreparable damage to the friendship.
9. They Emotional Dump on You
Emotional dumping is a toxic form of venting that occurs when a person continues to share their thoughts, despite cues that it’s time to stop. When you find yourself constantly listening to someone behave in this way, you may grow frustrated and discouraged.
10. They’re Energy Vampires
Fake friends are like “energy vampires.” Their consistent negative attitudes, need for attention, and judgmental behaviors can leave you feeling both mentally and emotionally drained.
11. They Share Their Bad Moods
A fake friend doesn’t necessarily care about hurting the people around them. This may be evident in how they force their negativity onto others. For example, they may show up to a party in a bad mood, and take any opportunity to infect other guests with their toxicity.
12. They Hold Grudges
We all make mistakes, but a fake friend is going to struggle to acknowledge this. A true friend may be hurt by a mistake on your part, but will move on from it, because they love you. Fake friends will typically hold on to grudges for a long time, despite your attempts to apologize.
13. They’re Focused on Appearances
For some, the way a friendship looks on camera is more important than how it does in real life. If your “friend” is overly focused on making sure others know everything you’re doing together, this can be a sign of ingenuity. Pay attention to when they become shallow and determine whether or not you should end the friendship.
14. They Judge You
A friend should never be overly critical of you. If you notice that someone is constantly questioning your behaviors, ideas, or choices, you may be dealing with a fake friend. While some disagreement is unavoidable in any relationship, an obscene amount is never a good sign.
15. They Only Reach Out When They Need You
Frequently, a fake friend will only make an effort to contact you when they need something. If you struggle to find ways in which your relationship is benefiting you, it may be time to set some boundaries or move on.
Final Thoughts
Fake friendships can negatively impact anyone. Everyone deserves to surround themselves with people who love and respect them. Be wary of fake friends, try your best to avoid them when possible, and acknowledge when it’s appropriate to move on.
I did find this information on-line and I found it to be quite informative. This is in response to another blog on GD. Many of these points do describe the writer of the other blog and so it seems to me, that person is truly the fake friend. One person who doesn't like "you" doesn't convince others to go along with them. They are finally seeing how you really are and they don't like it (I am guessing).
I do have to comment on that remark said about not being vindictive in a room.... In a blog they had inferred that they knew things that had been said in a conversation that they would/ could use against them. (This person has said she takes screen shots of all her conversations.)
Those other people are my friends and have you ever realized that we all have families, problems, things going on and just because we don't advertise things does not mean we don't have them too?
One final thought,, Marc does get a lot of things right. Maybe you should rethink things because to me, it seems insulting to say the people who used to be your friends were fake...
Sorry for this long blog and I hope I don't need to write another one in the near future. I am just tired of one person thinking the world revolves around them!!!
Have you ever notice , when one of a group or things and sometimes even people others being around the bad one can cause the others to go bad. I was checking my potatoes the other week and I saw one one of my potatoes was starting to grow eyes and get soft. I did not have time to deal with it at that minute, so I left it and got back to it about a week later. By that time, they were all growing and getting soft. In just a week one bad potato ruined the whole bag.
Today I went to a room I used to practically live in. Said hi like i always do, and only 1 person spoke. Now here is the thing, many of them used to say hi. Sooooooooooooo the real question isssssss did the bad potato spoil the bag, orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr were they never really my friends in the first place? Another good question is why do i care. If they are that easily turned or if they were faking it, they are not worth my time anymore.
I know I annoy people, A LOT, sometimes. I was just suggested I take a chill pill. lol Not the first time someone has told me that. Like I said, I am aware I annoy some people sometimes. What you all do not get is I rarely do it deliberately. Most times I do not even know I did it, till someone has the brains to tell me i annoyed them, or hurt their feelings. One can not even try to fix a bad behavior IF they have no clue it's bugging people.
Then you will occasionally get those people that say "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID" well if I knew I would not be asking what I did. My neighbor across the street called me a hypocrite one day. I asked her what she meant and why she thought that, and she said you know what you did. We are talking again, but to this day i have no clue on what she based that assumption.
I am aware of a few things I do without realizing it. I say you know wayyyyyyyyyyy too often, as a way to see if the person I am talking to is paying attention. I know I talk way too fast sometimes , thing is in my head it does not seem fast till someone tells me it was too fast. I will then make a continuous effort to slow down my speech. IF I KNOW I AM DOING SOMETHING THAT BUGS SOMEONE, i will make an effort to stop it. Grant it sometimes the mental patch does not hold and i end up doing it again, but it is not for lack of effort to fix it.
I have many friends and family who can not help being on the net on their cells, even when they have company. THAT IS ANNOYING TO ME. My brother's family is a perfect example of that. He asked me down one Christmas, a couple of years ago. They ALL had their noses stuck in the phones and tv. So I said to him, why did you invite me if you were all going to ignore me in favor of your devices? He has not asked me back. That is fine with me, because his favorite hobby is picking at everything I do. I thought I had made the point for him to stop that. It lasted about 10 years, and he has started it up again. Like I said, sometimes mental patches on irritating behavior do not hold. People can try to change things. That is all they can do, either the changes stick or they do not. I have noticed a few people that have read my blogs are annoyed by some of them, and whether I like it or not they will tell me so. Wish everyone would learn to speak their mind.