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Mahjong Gate

Mahjong Gate

Mahjong Gate
1 год 297 дня назад

ڿڰۣڿღ♥◕ڿڰۣڿღ◕Good Morning My Love ◕ڿڰۣڿღ♥◕ڿڰۣڿღ


Good Morning My Love

Good morning, Good morning my Love.
I know I just woke up,
But I want to tell you something,
as I drink my morning cup.
I really love YOU
I do? I do? I do!

And As I dream of day your with me,
I don’t know what I’d do.
So this is my way of showing you,
I believe our dreams will come true.
As I wrote this little poem To say,
I love YOU I love YOU I love YOU.
I do, I do, I do!

And may the smile that you get,
when you feel the warmth it brings,
stay with you all day,
As I know we will be happy
for the rest of our loving days….? ?


mini fleurmini fleurmini fleurmini fleur

kmila dance

mini fleurmini fleurmini fleurmini fleur

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ஞ۩♣ஞஞ۩♣ஞReady For Loveஞ۩♣ஞஞ۩♣ஞ


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Resultado de imagen para EFECTOS DE AMOR EN GIF

Ready For Love


Take my hand and lead the way;
tell me all you want to say.
Whisper softly in my ear,
all those things I want to hear.
Kiss my lips and touch my skin;
bring out passions deep within.
Pull me close and hold me near;
take away my pain and fear.
In the darkness of the night,
be my beacon, shine your light.

In the brightness of the sun,
show me that you are the one.
Give me wings so I can fly;
for I can soar when you're nearby.
Enter my heart, break down the wall,
it's time for me to watch it fall.

I've been a prisoner, can't you see?
Break my chains and set me free.
Strip me of my armor tight;
you'll find I won't put up a fight.

Release my soul held deep within . . .
I'm ready now, let love begin. 


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Desire and intimacy are very much a part of Love,

and these erotic poems prove that sex need not be sordid or ugly.

On the contrary,

between two people very much in love with each other,

sex can the most beautiful and natural thing in the universe.


While we don't publish anything

even mildly salacious or obscene,

most of this material is intended for a mature audience.


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✿✿☆҉✿✿✿☆҉✿My dear friend!✿✿☆҉✿✿✿☆҉✿



My Dear Friend,

Mother is a gift of god. She is an angel,

who protects you from all
the evils of the world and gives you a secure shelter in her lap
whenever you feel stressed and insecure. Irrespective of how we
look or behave, our mother showers us with all possible love
and blessings in the world. Despite how successful we become,
she can't ignore her little concerns for us. Despite we become
mature enough, we remain a 'silly darling kid' in our momma eyes.
Though she is a guardian angel to us, we hardly ever get an
opportunity to thank her for lending us a shoulder to cry,

a lap to rest, hands to catch hold of us whenever we fall.

She is our dearest pal and our best companion ever

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and
sudden, fall upon us;
When adversity takes the place of prosperity;
When friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us;
When troubles thicken around us;
Still she will cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts
and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause
peace to return to our hearts.

Mothers are the sweetest gift from Gods to us.
There is no way we can ever really thank our mother for all
she does for us nevertheless we must make it a habit to keep
reminding ourselves of the various sacrifices she made while
raising us. Motherhood is tough 24 hour job, no pay, no day
off, sometimes it is unappreciated, but yet resignation is impossible.
A mother is a woman who created by God to bring love, joy,
happiness and caring into his world. I am so glad God has created
a woman to be a mother, even though motherhood is a full time job,
a mother's work is never done.
Happy Mother's Day.


Ich bin heute dankbar,
Liebe und Zuneigung verteilt
mit seinen Händen so weich
Er streichelt meine Wunden.

Obwohl er verbrachte einige Zeit,
Ich halte immer noch in meinen Gedanken,
Ihre Umarmungen und Beratung,
und zärtliche Gefühle.

Ich werde nie meine Mutter vergessen,
in meinem Herzen trage ich.
Ich würde eine große Umarmung zu geben,
und ihm sagen, wie sehr ich dich liebe!


Poema a la Madre Luchadora

Mujer luchadora comprensible y amadora
de tus hijos aun con problemas y líos,
siempre te encuentras sonriente
aunque en el rio la corriente
sea demasiado fuerte
nunca te rindes ni te das por vencida
por tus hijos darías sin dudarlo la vida
vida que das sin medida
por la felicidad de tu familia.

Oh madre preciosa, tu belleza es más que la de una rosa
del jardín del mundo
aunque mi corazón sea iracundo
no encuentro mujer en el mundo
que se iguale a la hermosura de tu ser.

Ser precioso de ojos bellos
infinitos y hermosos tus cabellos
y carita angelical que en el bien y en el mal
no te marchas de mi lado Madre mía
eres toda mi alegría.

Fuente de mi gran amor
en la alegría y el dolor
enciendes luz en mi oscuridad
y si en el mundo allá tanta maldad
tu eres ángel de ángeles para resguardar
mi corazón de todo mal
por esto y tantas cosas más
no hay amor como el de las mamás…





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➹♥➹♥➹♥➹♥Einstein Wisdom...♥➹♥➹♥➹♥

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Einstein Wisdom...

The Search for the truth and Knowledge is

one of the finest attributes of a man,

though often it is most loudly voiced by

those who strive for it the least.

To punish me for my contempt of authority,

fate has made me an authority myself.

It is difficult to say what truth is,

but sometimes it is easy to recognize a falsehood.

A hundred times a day I remind myself

my inner and outer lives are based

on the labors of other people,

living and dead and that

I must exert myself in order to give

in the same measure as

I have received and am still receiving.

Wisdom is not a product of schooling,

but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.

There is only one road to human greatness:

through the school of hard knocks.

A happy man is too satisfied with the present

to dwell too much on the future.

With fame I become more and more stupid,

which of course is a very common phenomenon.

Life is sacred, that is to say,

it is the supreme value,

to which all other values are subordinate.

I have reached an age when,

if someone tells me to wear socks,

I don't have to.

The only way to escape the personal

corruption of praise is to go on working.

Fear or stupidity has always been

the basis of most human actions.

An hour sitting with a pretty girl on a park bench

passes like a minute,

but a minute sitting on a hot stove seems like an hour.

One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved.

One must develop an instinct for what

one can barely achieve through one's greatest efforts.

The only remedies against race and prejudice

are enlightenment and education.

This is a slow and painstaking process.

I lived in that solitude which is painful in youth,

but delicious in the years of maturity.

Try not to become a man of success but

rather try to become a man of value.

When I examine myself and my methods of thought,

I come close to the conclusion that the gift of imagination

has meant more to me than my talent for

absorbing absolute knowledge.

Image result for einstein imagesImage result for einstein images




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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ KISSES FOR YOU AND * NUIT D'AMOUR *♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Esta mañana me despierto relajada y serena
después de una noche de amor y abrazos
calentando todavía  mis venas
Todavía pienso en esos momentos tiernos
Siento su fragancia sutil y encantadora
mi cuerpo está impregnado del elixir
esto es una sensación embriagadora e inquietante
Todavía tengo en mí ese deseo dulce
usted es el que miente a mi lado
todavía durmiendo Me encanta ver que
Te beso con ternura que despierto
permaneciendo para siempre entrelazados tanto !!!!!
nuestras acciones hablan en voz baja
nuestros corazones que riman en esta felicidad
deseandonos divertido  nos dicen las horas
una noche de amor
hasta el amanecer.




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