Played 10 Bingo games.
Played 50 Bingo games.
Hitting one line in Bingo 90 for the first time.
Hitting one line in Bingo 90 for the 10th time.
Hitting two lines in Bingo 90 for the first time.
Hitting two lines in Bingo 90 for the 10th time.
Hitting full house in Bingo for the first time.
Hitting one line, two lines and full house in the same game for the first time
Played 20 Bingo games within 24 hours.
Hitting at least 11 (or 7 for Bingo90) consecutive numbers on single coupon.
Winning 4 Balloon Bonuses in single game.
Playing Bingo on mobile device (iPad).
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Win 50 games on Motorbike Hall table
Win 100 games on Old Town Saloon table
Win 100 games on Dragon Gate table
Win 100 games on Big City Cafe table
Win 100 games on Tropic Roadhouse table
Win 50 games on Gentlemens's Alliance table
Win 50 games on Royal Club table
Win 50 games on Pro Society Cue Federation table
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