
état des relations: dans une relation
Je recherche: divertissement
Nous a rejoint: 2014-12-30
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Points nécessaires: 58
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Rami HD

Rami HD

Rami HD
1 année 74 jours il y a


I got a call yesterday from a friend or mine. She told me she was in rehab because she had fractured her hip. She asked me to go and tell the head admin of the league she was staff in what had happened, and to ask to be put on vacation. She was frightened she would be kicked from the league if she was not there and they did not have her on vacation. I tried to reassure her that would not happen, because she could physically not be there. But she was so upset i agreed todo as she asked. I went to the room and announced in the lobby what she had told me to tell them. My friend then said I should give her phone number to the head admin. I was not putting that in an open lobby, so I pmed the head admin , but she never replied. So I asked in the lobby for her to please look at the pm.
It was then that things got ugly. The head admin said she did not want to hear anything from me. This shocked me. I am trying to help one of her head tournament directors, and she does not want to know that the htd wanted her to know. As soon as the head admin spoke meanly to me some of her minions decided to join in the attack. The odd part is they had not said anything mean to me until the head admin did. Kind of reminded me of a movie I once saw about a wolf pack. The wolf pack was lead by a female wolf, and they all attacked when she gives the signal. It also reminded me of one of those kill the messenger things, but if they think their messed up attitude to me will EVER stop me from doing a favor for a hurt friend they got another think coming. My friends mean way more to me then their childish attitudes.