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Una Rosa no necesita hablar, simplemente esparce su fragancia. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷMaripositaƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒೋ And he repents in thorns that sleeps
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Mahjong Gate

Mahjong Gate
115 days ago

,҉,҉,҉,҉,҉Preparémonos para el Adviento, lo sabíia?,҉,҉,҉,҉,҉




El Adviento es el período de cuatro semanas en que la Iglesia se prepara, en una actitud

de esperanza y alegría, para celebrar el nacimiento de Jesucristo.

La Iglesia, para comenzar el año litúrgico, celebra la llegada de Cristo con los hombres con una

gran fiesta a la cual llamamos Navidad.

¿Qué es el Adviento?

El Adviento es el período de cuatro semanas en que la Iglesia se prepara, en una actitud

de esperanza y alegría, para celebrar el nacimiento de Jesucristo.

La Iglesia, para comenzar el año litúrgico, celebra la llegada de Cristo con los hombres con una

gran fiesta a la cual llamamos Navidad.

Esta fiesta es tan importante para los cristianos que la Iglesia, antes de celebrarla,

prepara a sus hijos durante el período conocido como Adviento.

Ya desde tiempos remotos la Iglesia acostumbra

tener esta preparación.

Es el período de cuatro semanas en que la Iglesia se prepara, en
una actitud de esperanza y alegría, para celebrar el nacimiento de

La palabra Adviento significa “llegada” y claramente indica el espíritu
de vigilia y preparación que los cristianos deben vivir. Al igual que se
prepara la casa para recibir a un invitado muy especial y celebrar su
estancia con nosotros, durante los cuatro domingos que anteceden
a la fiesta de Navidad, los cristianos preparan su alma para recibir a
Cristo y celebrar con Él su presencia entre nosotros.

Durante el Adviento los cristianos renuevan el deseo de recibir a
Cristo por medio de la oración, el sacrificio, la generosidad y la
caridad con los que nos rodean, es decir, renovamos nuestra vida
procurando ser mejores para recibir a Jesús.

La Iglesia, durante las cuatro semanas anteriores a Navidad, y
especialmente los Domingo, dedica la liturgia de la Misa a la
contemplación de la primera “llegada” de Cristo a la tierra, de su
próxima “llegada” triunfal y la disposición que debemos tener para
recibirlo. El color morado de los ornamentos usados en sus
celebraciones, nos recuerda la actitud de penitencia y sacrificio que
todos los cristianos debemos tener para prepararnos a tan
importante evento.

La familia, como Iglesia doméstica, procura reunirse para hacer

más profunda esta preparación. En todas estas reuniones el sentido

de penitencia y sacrificio se enriquece por la esperanza y el espíritu

de fraternidad y generosidad que surge de la alegría de

que Dios pronto estará con nosotros.


Created by Carolina


•✱✱.°•.°•.✱✱°•.FELIZ NATAL In THE WORLD CELEBRATION.°•✱✱.°•.°•.✱✱°•.°•.°

00_202.pngA Mexican Posada Christmas tree, Isla Mujeres, Mexico

335.pngMexican Posadas celebration335.png

Las Posadas is a nine-day celebration with origins in Spain, now celebrated chiefly in Mexico,
Guatemala and portions of the Southwestern United States, beginning December 16 and ending December 24, on evenings (about 8 or 10 PM).  Christmas tradition of Las Posadas brings cultures
together in the world celebration

Lo siento. No hay espacio en esta posada.

"I'm sorry. There's no room at this inn."

You may hear those words of biblical significance during Las Posadas celebrations,

which reenact the journey of Joseph and pregnant wife Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem,

where they can't find lodging before Jesus is born.

Christmas Posadas Tradition in Mexico

Posadas are an important part of  Mexican Christmas traditions.

These community celebrations take place on each of the nine nights leading up to Christmas,

from December 16 to 24th. The word posada means "inn" or "shelter" in Spanish,

and in this tradition, Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem and their search for a place

to stay is re-enacted. 

Posadas are held in neighborhoods across Mexico and are also becoming popular in the United States.

The celebration begins with a procession in which the participants hold candles and sing Christmas carols. Sometimes there will be individuals who play the parts of Mary and Joseph who lead the way, or occasionally images representing them are carried. The procession will make its way to a particular

home (a different one each night), where a special song (La Cancion Para Pedir Posada) is sung.

Asking For Shelter

There are two parts to the traditional posada song. Those outside the house sing the part of Joseph asking for shelter and the family inside responds singing the part of the innkeeper saying that there is no room. The song switches back and forth a few times until finally the innkeeper decides to let them in. The hosts open the door and everyone goes inside.

Read the lyrics and translation of the posada song.


Once inside the house there is a celebration which can vary from a very big fancy party to a small get-together among friends.

Often the festivities begin with a short Bible reading and prayer. Then the hosts give the guests food, usually tamales and a hot drink such as ponche or atole. Then the guests break piñatas and the children are given candy.

The nine nights of posadas leading up to Christmas are said to represent the nine months that Jesus spent in Mary's womb, or alternatively, to represent nine days journey to Bethlehem.

History of the Posadas

Now widely-celebrated tradition throughout Latin America, posadas originated in colonial Mexico. The Augustinian friars of San Agustin de Acolman, near Mexico City are believed to have celebrated the first posadas. In 1586, Friar Diego de Soria, the Augustinian prior, obtained a papal bull from Pope Sixtus V to celebrate what were called misas de aguinaldo "Christmas gift masses" between December 16 and 24. 

The Aztecs had a tradition of honoring their god Huitzilopochtli at the same time of year (coinciding with the winter solstice), and they would have special meals in which the guests were given small figures of idols made from a paste that consisted of ground toasted corn and agave syrup. The friars took advantage of the coincidence and the two celebrations were combined. 

The celebrations were originally held in the church, but the custom spread and later was celebrated in haciendas, and then in family homes, gradually taking the form of the celebration as it is now practiced by the 19th century.


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─╭⊰இ⊱╮»̯̆●̯̆C╭⊰இ⊱╮»̯̆TODAS MIS LUNAS SON PARA TI─╭⊰இ⊱╮»̯̆●̯̆C╭⊰இ⊱╮»̯̆


Podría llenar todo un libro de poemas para ti,
poemas de las ansias que despiertas en mí,
poemas que a mi cuerpo hacen estremecer.
Podria pintar nuestro mundo de mil colores
 y aún eso no sería suficiente para lograr expresar

este gran amor que siento por ti.

Cuando miro tus ojos...
veo todos los océanos que anhelo cruzar,
todos los prados verdes que me traen tu aroma
como cuando uno riega la hierva...
así huele tu amor en mi corazón.

 Todas mis noches te beso 
en un horizonte lejano donde sólo habitas tú,
llego en las noches, me cuelo en tu cuarto
para hacerte llegar mis sentimientos
y dejarlos en tu cama para que te despiertes junto a mí.

 Haría falta muchas lunas para expresar 
este gran amor que siento por ti
y que se refleja en tus ojos cuando me miras.
Tus manos tan amadas, tus caricias tan soñadas,
y todos los atardeceres te mostrarán...
lo que mi corazón siente por ti.

-¡Como extraño tus manos tan amadas junto a mi! -
Y con este sencillo poema te digo
 que todas mis lunas son para ti.


♥Thanks For Your Visit♥

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웃❤유乂❤‿❤乂 ( -_・)HAPPY THANKSGIVING( -_・)乂❤‿❤乂 웃❤유




Sorry It's been a crazy hectic week for me.
I'm actually cooking Thanksgiving all by myself for 8 ppl :).
Making Turkey and Ham as well as all sides.
I prob will not be on Thanksgiving Day.
So I'm giving out my Wishes early. xoxo

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

The year yields its harvest
sharing abundant blessings
May your thanksgiving be blessed
with fruitfulness and overflowing love
Happy Thanksgiving!

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                                             ▀▀████▄ FLYING TO VISIT SOME FRIEND


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Veterans Day is a U.S. legal holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars. In 1918,

on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice,

or temporary cessation of hostilities,

was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in World War I,

then known as “the Great War.”

Commemorated in many countries as Armistice Day the following year,

November 11th became a federal holiday in the United States in 1938.

In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War,

Armistice Day became legally known as Veterans Day.

Armistice Day

The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919,

marking the official end of World War I.

Nonetheless, the armistice date of November 11, 1918,

remained in the public imagination as the date that marked the end of the conflict.

One year later, in November 1919, U.S.

President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day.

The day’s observation included parades and public gatherings,

as well as a brief pause in business and school activities at 11 a.m.

On November 11, 1921,

an unidentified American soldier killed in the war was buried at

Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, D.C.

On the same day the previous year,

unidentified soldiers were laid to rest at Westminster Abbey

in London and at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

On June 4, 1926,

Congress passed a resolution that the “recurring anniversary of [November 11, 1918]

should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed

to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations,”

and that the president should issue an annual proclamation calling

for the observance of Armistice Day.

By that time, 27 state legislatures had made November 11 a legal holiday.

An act approved May 13, 1938 made November 11 a legal Federal holiday,

“dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be hereafter celebrated

and known as ‘Armistice Day.'” In actuality, there are no U.S.

national holidays because the states retain the right to designate their own,

and the government can only designate holidays

for federal employees and for the District of Columbia.

In practice, however, states almost always follow the federal lead.


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